You practice and practice... trying to get 3 kids to look at the camEra and smile or remotely even smirk or look happy.... and finally.... you (almost) accomplish it...
OK- Kaden wasn't smiling nor was he smirking- but he was looking at me and not screaming his head off- so we will take what we can get :) And I managed a few individual shots....
It was a good thing I got that last one of Kaylee because she decided today while getting her hair cut that she wanted it to her shoulders (which it is still not hardly to her shoulders but I couldn't bear it to be any shorter)
(And the JB posters are BEHIND and on the back of her bedroom door... she would have the walls covered if I would let her!)
Greys and Private Practice were reruns tonight and JD says he isn't watching AI for the rest of the season because Pia got voted off... so I decided to blog... and eat a batch of the $30 worth of cookie dough I purchased so my kids could have a party at school (uggghhhhh.... I detest fundraisers- especially ones that are going to make me fatter!) Choc. Chip, Peanut Butter and White Choc. Macadamia Nut- my goal of losing 15 lbs. before revival is never going to met at this point... not that it matters..... I never met it last year before revival either.... these 15 lbs have grown rather attached to me and haven't felt the need to move on to some random skinny girl that needs them!!!
Tomorrow I plan to shop- all day- just me and baby K- but I first have to tear the house apart looking for my missing Gymbucks (grrrr- remember my UNorganized self- she sticks things in random places and can't remember where!) Gymboree owes me more than Gymbucks as much as I buy from there!!! I need stock in it!
Happy beginning-Spring-Break-plus-egg hunt-and- regular meeting- weekend! On your mark- get set- GO!
Oh great! Now I know who got voted off!! I can't believe it was Pia...she's not my favorite (don't get me wrong she's definitely the BEST singer on AI, but she's a little boring) but I can think of three others who definitely need to go...If I have to hear Hailey (however it is spelled) growl another week I think I will scream!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics, especially the one of Kaden smiling. It changes his look completely with a smile on his face. And I hate to say it but...he's looking SO grown up!
ohhh Tyler is heartbroken that Pia was voted off!! But Haley is still there who he says sings sexy... yea yea he agrees with the Steve Tyler
I can't believe they voted off Pia either!!!! She's not my favorite, but she's in my top 3! I was really upset!! I couldn't believe she went home over Stephano.. or even worse.. Haley! Ugh!!!
And it was good to see you for a brief moment tonight! Hope you found your gymbucks! :)
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