From the little Cantrell pirates.... Happy Halloween! (few days late but who cares!)
We had a blast at Chad and Emily's house. They (along with Em's family) threw her Mom, Lorrell, a big 50th birthday/ Halloween bash. It was so funny! This is the first time I can EVER recall that JD dressed up for Halloween! I know he only did it b/c Scott did- but whatever- it was so fun! We ate (and ate and ate) and took tons of pics and the kids got to go on a hayride around the subdivision to Trick or Treat.
and for the Kensley update... Kaylee finally got to go see her! We checked Kaylee out of school Friday (after her Trick or Treat party) and we went to Birmingham to see the Kelly's. Kaylee was so proud to see Kensley in person- she was so proud to hold her hand and talk to her. She even kicked off her boots and got up in the bed with her and laid with her. (Melissa got pics- we left our camara in the car b/c we're dumbys) Before we made it to the hospital- we realized that Kaylee misunderstood what our visit was- she thought since JD and I had went to Florida to "be with Kensley" that we had actually spent the night with her..... so of course she thought we were all going to spend the night with her in Birmingham (needless to say the tears came when I told her that wasn't how it was going to be! ) When we got in the car- we asked her what she thought about Kensley and she said "I think she is better!" When we left the hospital, we got about 30 miles down the road when I called Melissa and she was hysterically laughing- she said that Kensley was SMILING and trying to laugh at Keelie (Melissa and Dustin's neice) I was thrilled to the point that it didn't matter that we had JUST missed it! I had prayed that the Lord would let her smile and He did !!! They sent us a pic on JD's phone so we could see- it was awesome to say the least. We know the Lord is the one to get all the credit for that child and her awesome recovery. She seems to have some type of improvement DAILY!
I will post more later- we have a wedding this week... therefor.... you guessed it... more pics! I know your so excited you could just pee you pants :)-
Love the pirate costumes - that is what I bought yesterday on clearance for next year :)
Cute outfits!!!
Cute! Gabriel and Asher were Batman and Robin!
Love the pirates...too cute!! And that belt buckle for Joe David...Priceless!!!
Those are some really cute costumes! And the kids look great too! lol
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