I know... I know... nothing more annoying than a blogger who isn't blogging..... I have been so busy lately that posting anything just ain't happening! I was also trying to wait on my hubby to remember to bring his camara home with my pics from our Smokies trip last weekend... but that hasn't happened either. I will just fill you all in on our craziness....
We did get to go to the Smokies for Labor day weekend... so fun... I will skip on all that until next post when I have pics and that way I will give you something to look forward too.... lol.... like that is really an "event" to mark your calanders for! It was fun... but not THAT exciting....
We are getting back into singing season full swing. We had sing at Sylvania this past Friday night. It was a super small crowd-but the singing was pretty Igood. We have the next 3 Friday nights booked.... Claysville, (somewhere....my memory is honestly failing me) and then Smyrna..... oh yes... Higdon..... that one I was most excited about (seriously- for once- mark it down that I was excited about a singing... ) This was our regular weekend at church also- so needless to say I have gotten 5 people ready ALLLLLLL weekend. That has to be the most exhausting thing about being a mom/wife is getting ready to go anywhere. By the time I do clothes, baths, dressing everyone... I feel like collapsing.... which I guess is why the Lord let us move all the way out here... the car ride gives me a minute to sit down and rest before we get to our destination :) (being optimistic today... the car ride also makes us have to leave 20 minutes+ early to go anywhere.... but we aren't going there today.... glass half full today )
The three K's are doing great! Kaylee is excelling in 1st grade- Kyle has made it all year (4 or 5 weeks now is it?) without getting in trouble at school (I worried about this more than most Mom's... but if you have met my child.. you know why) - and Kaden is getting so big in size and in development. (As I type he is in my lap making kissing noises and saying Blahhhhh... this has to be works of a genious baby :) They enjoyed our little weekend trip too... but you will hear about it later ;)- We had a scare with Kyle b/c we thought he may have the swine flu- it was just a virus- Praise the Lord..... he is his hyper self again...
We went to the gravesite yesterday to see Bro David's gravestone (tombstone... whatever you call it) I have pics of it... of course on the camara with the Smokies pics... so I will post one next time. It is gorgeous- black granite with a laser pic of our church and Bro David and Norma. It is 9 feet tall and has 2 side columns with a big cross in the middle. It is perfect. My kids of course were proud to see his pic- and they remembered where he was- it was sad and sweet all together. We miss him the most on the weekends.... regular weekend especially.... you all know how he loved church and seeing visitors.
We are just in normal mode this week. School, work, church, singing, church.... the routine that will repeat itself all fall long- along with some ALABAMA football thrown in there ;) And we will be helping Chad and Em move into their BEAUTIFUL new house- they are so excited and we are so proud for them.
Take care and keep your hands washed.... we don't want the flu to get you....
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