We are still in recovery mode- Kaylee has been running 103 temps all day yesterday into the wee hours of today but we are hoping this is the last of it and it looks like it should be past just in time to get back to school next Wednesday.... grrrr.... but it is NOT looking promising that we will be there in person to welcome Chandler in on Monday unless there is a major wave of wellness that sweeps through SOON! I am already planning on a Skype session or something or else Kaylee and I will be devastated!
You wanna know what 3 kids who are trapped in a house for 10 days at Christmas break do... here it is in pictures....
They ride a power wheels jeep through the kitchen while wrapped in blankets (over, and over, and over, and over)...
They turn in to Buzz Lightyear and fly through the living room (the wings morph him into the REAL Buzz...it is hilarious!).....
They leave bags of Cheese Puffs in reaching distance of the little brother.....
They do puzzles.....
They watch Yo Gabba Gabba for 24 hours straight (and have a hissy fit if you don't play it again!)......
They sleep at very odd times so that no one goes to bed at a normal hour- but no one dares to wake a napping-been-sick-whiny-fussy-child.....
And they play rooms that look like Christmas blew up in them (I really can't believe I am sharing but for those of you with children I know that you know about
And eventually they do get better and you don't mind all the messes and all the cleaning and all the everything.... you are just proud they are better and to have survived it and mark it down as the end of a year you will remember for the rest of your sane life :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR! May you all be blessed abundantly and have a very spiritually prosperous year!!!
The Cantrell's
I showed Michael the pic of JD playing ps3 in a pink chair in the middle of ur LR and he laughed and said, "is that where he plays SOCOM?, no wonder we can always here his kids...lol
LOL! Yes it is where he plays and that is the chair he always drags in the L/R to sit in!
Your living room looks alot like mine. Toys EVERYWHERE!!!!!
Drea, you know that your family and mine always have to be in syncronization!! We did actually get out of the house and went to the Smokies to be sick though! It didn't make it any better though. There is something to be said for being sick in your own bed and NOT a motel room. We have now been through the stomach virus, the flu, and strep throat...getting ready to call the doc for an appt for me! I LOVE the pics!! Buzz Lightyear and Cheesepuff Boy are hilarious!!
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