Monday, August 24, 2009


As in Nothing New and Exciting to report. We had a singing Friday night at Mt Pisgah- it was pretty good (lengthy for those of us with kids..... I am not complaining... I am just saying... have mercy people!) Saturday nite we ventured up to Pulaski, TN and visited church with some friends. It was a sweet service- good feeling. Afterwards we went to a Mexican resteraunt (more like INVADED... there were atleast 30 of us) It was pretty good- but new warning to my "not teenage" self... Eating fajitas at 10 pm just isn't worth it! (FYI- I am ONLY 27 ... I just have issues like I am 57) Next time I think I will skip the meal and do a dessert or something. ( A healthy person would just skip it all... but I can't be rude and let everyone else eat without me :) Sunday was a day full of GOING- we went to church at Winchester (precious people- always have been good to me), came home for 20 minutes, went to a baptizing, came back home for 1 hour, then went to our home church that nite.
After all of this you would think we just walked in the house and CRASHED (could have, WOULD have... but no...) Kyle had felt-and acted- rotten all weekend, so when he fell asleep during church we (uncle Chad ... aka Softy) couldn't bare the thoughts of waking him. So KYLE got a 3 hour nap- at 6:30pm- and wasn't tired like the rest of us when we got home. He wasn't tired until 3 AM

Needless to say- Kyle stayed home with Kaden and I today. I spared poor Ms Erin of the monster he becomes when he hasn't slept. He still is chugged up- but no fever or anything- so he will be gracing them with his presence tomorrow. On a funny note- Sunday we were at church and Kyle had a runny nose and told Isaac that he was sick and Isaac asked "Are you congested?" and he said "No, I'm Kyle". We had a learning session today (to make up for his missed day at school) and he learned our phone number in 1 hour. He says- Sree seben nine- two sree spor sree.... I only hope they can understand "Kyleinnese" as JD calls it.

Kaden hasn't had a good day today. He has a touch of the same stuff Kyle has plus has another tooth coming in. (yes- it is as fun as it sounds) He is still good though- he laughs out loud more and more everyday- which has to be the best sound ever (with each child- when they start laughing it is SO adorable) He isn't doing any new tricks- he is a little too heavy to roll just yet. We are working on him though.

Kaylee is great. She is doing well in school. She is getting more mature acting- which is sad yet good all together. And for an update on her "love" life... Davis isn't the "one" anymore.... she is sticking to her guys at Gunter's Mtn.... they are older and have so much more to talk about I guess.... she is a mess.....

Told you.... basics.... we are pretty boring.....

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